Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ, in his latest book, “Forgive Everyone Everything”, writes that scripture scholars contend that the original language of the Beatitudes should not be “Blessed are the single hearted” or “Blessed are the peace workers” or “Blessed are those who struggle for justice”. A better translation would be “You’re in the right place if you are single hearted” or “
You’re in the right place if you work for peace…”
In 2000 as we began to dream and plan for PBMR, there were a couple things that were non-negotiable. One, was that we had to be in a neighborhood/community that knew first-hand the pains of violence and incarceration. It would have to be a community that allowed us to be proximate
to those we served/accompanied. And so, in 2002, when the doors of PBMR opened, we moved into the Back-of-the-Yards community on the south side of Chicago. Beginning in a small janitor’s apartment at St. Michael the Archangel parish, the four of us (Joe Nassal, Bill Nordenbrock, Denny KInderman and myself) began our work. Little did we know what exactly would lie ahead. But with the commitment to the spirituality of the Precious Blood and the gift of the ministry of Reconciliation, we set forth to try to be witness of God’s presence and love amidst the trauma
of incarceration and violence. In addition, we sought to be a resource of renewal for the church.
In 2004, we had the opportunity to move into the second floor of a converted school building that once was the St. John of God Parish. The parish closed in the mid 90’s and after was used as a residence for youth in the care of the state. Today, while more in number – both staff and community members - we still seek to be that presence of God’s overwhelming and healing love. We have opened several houses that serve as a home for men and women who are coming home from prison and families who have unstable housing situations.
Early in November of this year, we opened a small center about a block from PBMR’s main building. It had been a well-known neighborhood market – food and liquor – for many years, but in the years since it has stood abandoned—a sign of the devastation our neighborhood faces. Because of generous benefactors and supporters, we were able to obtain the building and in a community effort – supporters, staff and young people – it has been completely rehabbed and restored. We’ve dedicated this space to become a healing center
where families and young people can experience the love and care that is at the heart of the spirituality of the Precious Blood. In this center (yet to be named) we will focus solely on healing: individual, family, and community. It will become a space (and already has) where people can build, renew, and repair relationships.
The very first gathering, even before the building was fully complete, Sr. Donna held a circle for mothers who had lost their sons or daughters to homicide in the past year. It was a powerful circle where families could finally speak of their loss and pain amidst people who were willing to listen without judgement. Since that first circle, several gatherings have been held in this new space: young people coming home from jail and detention, men and women previously incarcerated who work to support those returning home, and PBMR staff who rely on strong community relationships to do the work we do.
Sr. Elaine Roulette, the founder of My Mother’s House in New York, was asked, “How do you work with the poor?” She answered, “You don’t. You share your life with the poor.”
As we have found so often, it can be as easy as crying together, laughing together, sharing time with one another.
I remember the very first conversations that we had regarding the creation of a ministry of reconciliation. We asked one another, “what if there was a place in the community where people could experience care and support, a place where we could concentrate on healing and transformation. The “old May street store” has become such a place. It is solely dedicated to healing and transformation. Perhaps that should be the name – PBMR’s “Center for Healing and Transformation”
I am often asked how I have been able to do this work for as long as I have. “All the heartache and disappointment, how do you keep yourself going?” I truly believe that it is because I am in the right place.
I am where I should be and when you are where God wants you to be, incredible things happen.
As we close out this 20th Anniversary of PBMR, know of my deep gratitude for all the encouragement, care, and support for the hospitality, hope, and healing for our youth and families here in Back of the Yards throughout these 20 years.
December New Creation Column written by Fr. David Kelly, CPPS.